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This will be a way challenger than the frontend. I don’t almost any experience with backend systems and, therefore, I don’t quite know what I’m doing. I will add more information in this sections as I discover and understand things.

I could be using other languages (Rust or Go) that I’m interested in, but I figured that build and deploying was already a good and big challenge. Because of this, I chose Python, a language I’m familiar with and really enjoy working with.

Main Tools

  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • Uvicorn
  • FastAPI
  • Pydantic

File structure

The root folder contains the project config files, e.g. docker-compose.yml and .flake8, and the folders bellow:

  • app: contains all code for this application. The name of the files and folders inside this directory should be named following the name conventions of a standard Python project.
  • app/endpoints: contains all endpoints. Each feature should have its own file and collection of endpoints, its name should be the endpoints name.
  • app/schemas: contains the schemas for the requests and responses objects.

